Mar 18, 2011


Hey Everyone,
GUESS what..... Today was another great clinical day. This time I got to bed a little earlier than usual (which was great), but was still tired waking up this morning. The commute was great and tons of fun, for I had a wonderful chit chat with my new friend! We all (our group) got at Children’s nice and early, which surprised my clinical instructor. The patient I was assigned to was a 5 year old little girl who was in for cellulitis and possible sepsis. She had a horrible infection on her right upper leg which was inflamed, red and hot! She was on 4 different antibiotics, hoping that something would start to work. The poor little thing was bruised from so much blood work and IV starts. It was really hard to see this little girl, lying in bed, sick and uncomfortable. Not only that but it looked like the life had been sucked out right from her. During my assessments, I made some conversation with her and managed to put a smile on her face. Right then and there, I couldn’t help but smile and feel like I had accomplished something. Later during the day I went with her and the family down to an ultrasound to see if there was anything else to be concerned about. Thankfully, the edema was just in the tissue and there were no masses to be of concern. As I came back up with the family to the ward, I couldn’t help but admire the nurses that work each day at this hospital. I know it’s not easy, especially to see these beautiful children so sick.... but these people... are my hero’s. We get so excited when it comes to movie stars, professional sports players, that we look past the true heroes... the doctors, the nurses, the social workers... etc.
There was one family in particular that stuck out to me today at the hospital. One of the girls in my nursing group had them for the day. Her patient was a 2 month old little boy who was in with RSV bronchiolitis. His parents were 13 and 14 years old and I can promise you this is no joke. I stood in shock when I heard this during morning report, for I couldn’t believe what I heard. I went into the room to visit later in the afternoon and got to see the little guy. HE was so cute (as they all are). He had a full head of black hair and was so precious. I was so excited to hear reports from my friend on the parents and how they were doing the best job they could (at their age and maturity level). As I said, this stuff isn’t easy, especially to see such young parents. But as the day went on, I couldn’t help but wonder how scary it would be as a parent to be in the hospital and to see your little baby/child... sick and so helpless. There are such awesome support systems that are in the hospital, I know their services can be of great help to those who need it.
This experience is half way over and I’m sad to think that within weeks, my days will be done. I’ve loved every minute being at Children’s and I hope that one day I’ll be returning to work in such an incredible place.
Aside from my long day, I had a wonderful evening with my family. I got some incredible news (from some family friends) and I am constantly reminded how amazing and wonderful God is. I see the miracles that are happening in individual’s lives and find myself overwhelmed. This day has been one of the best and I’m not sure if I want it to end just yet!
The picture of the day is kind of fun. These pictures are very similar, for they are of the boats in Whiterock. The fun thing is that they were taken at different times (both years and time of day). Just thought it’d be fun to post them both! ENJOY!

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