Mar 7, 2011

Story Time

Once upon a time, in a little town called Cloverdale there lived a girl who was considered the social bug. She loved life and enjoyed long walks in the beautiful sunshine.

One morning, she awoke from her sleep to discover a massive growth that appeared on her face. Unsure of where it came from, she decided to call up her doctor and schedule an appointment. With such a rare case, she was rushed off by ambulance to his office. As he ran some tests and did x-rays, he realised that she suffered from the “hairy lip syndrome.” This was so rare, that he himself had never seen something so lavishing and beautiful. Once she arrived home from an exhausting and emotional day she was torn and confused.

Girls aren’t supposed to have moustaches....especially one like this. Regardless, she became the talk of the town and all the men who caught a glimpse wished they had been blessed with such a stunning facial feature.

Not sure what to do, the young woman decided to think long and hard about how her life would change dramatically. Now when she drank milkshakes she’d have little floaters that’d catch on her stash or the how she’d be called the “she-man.”

She noticed her family starting to act weird around her. At dinner, he brother couldn’t take his eyes off it, for he was burning with jealousy. Her mother just wept and her dad just laughed, explaining that she’d never find a man who’d want the whole package.

Having been told there was nothing you could do about the “situation” she realized this was something special she’d just have to live with.

While she was asleep that night she woke up with a brilliant idea. Thinking long and hard about this, she went back to bed and would weigh her options the next day.

The following day, the young woman came up with two ideas. She either would live with the moustache, which entitled her a single life, no friends, no milkshakes and certainly no more social gatherings

OR, she could return to being “normal” if she could somehow remove this unwanted hair in a reasonable and painless way.
All she wanted to do was become normal again!

But THIS thing was being a nuisance. So that night when she went to bed, she bargained with the moustache fairy that if she took her obnoxious upper lip hair away she’d pay the fairy $1.00 a day.

Unsure if the fairy would do such a thing she went to bed with a hope to wake up with a bare lip. The next morning, the young girl felt her lip and jolted out of bed! She ran to the mirror and to her surprise it was BARE.

And we all know how the story ends, the fairy became rich and the girl from Cloverdale lived happily ever after! The End!

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