Jan 31, 2011

Happy UnBirthday

Hey all!
What a day and do I have a story to tell all of you. Monday is our family night, where my brother-in-law and sister come and have dinner with us all.  So, I decided to make some cupcakes for desert.  Let’s just say my first mistake was purchasing an “angel” food batter. So as I was mixing everything together, I noticed immediately that this wasn’t going to work.  I refused to make a cake – so I proceeded to finish my cupcakes. I filled a tin of 12, but with a bunch of batter left over I caved and put the rest into a little dish to bake. The pictures for today were taken this afternoon.
This evening, we had an “Happy Un Birthday” for my brother. He definitely was surprised by it all! There is also a short clip I posted of us singing to Zach! Hope you like it!

Zach loves to eat fire

Jan 30, 2011


Ok, wasn’t it such a GORGEOUS day out? LOL, the sunshine deceived me, for as soon as I stepped outta my house to go to Church this morning, I never thought I could run so fast to my car (it was BITTER cold out)... and I even had some heels on too. Imagine that. All I can say is, I’m glad there wasn’t ice, for that would have been a disaster. Then again, I’ve had my fair share of falls in my time. 
Back in high school we had a band concert at a local school nearby. Of course, wanting to look cute, I had my black heels on. As I was walking to the washroom I had to descend some stairs (5 or 6 steps at the most) and somehow turked  it on the first. I managed to catch myself on the little railing ramp (in the middle of the stairs), flipping me on the other side of the stairs and somehow upside down. It was embarrassing to say the least. Then again, tonight’s incident was pretty bad as well. For those who don’t know, I work at a restaurant in Whiterock and  from time to time we get people who spill their drinks etc. Well as I was cleaning up one of my tables (at the end of the night) I noticed there was a bunch of water under the table. So being extra cautious (KAWDIOUS) I put some napkins on the floor to mop it up. When I started to leave, I somehow missed a spot. You can guess what happened next. It all happened so fast, for I could feel gravity’s tug on me as I kissed the floor. I couldn’t stop laughing! I felt so embarrassed but luckily no one was near by... so I mustard up the courage to stand on my own two feet. I tell you, there is no better feeling than being swept off your feet...... to some degree.
In the midst of all this today, I had a fantastic morning, afternoon and evening! I hope you all did as well! I just can’t believe that January is almost over! Gulp!
My picture of the day is something I enjoy to do with good friends. I love just getting the chance to catch up and visit; nothing like some good fellowship. If anyone ever wants to go for a cupper, just give me a shout!

Jan 28, 2011

Baby Fix

Hey Everyone!
Can you believe it’s the weekend?! This week seemed to fly by, like no tomorrow. I’m sorry... but I’m cutting to the chase with this blog; it’s going to be short and sweet. My picture for today is of Malachi. He’s 3 months old and is full of smiles; I am in love! You can’t help but get all goo goo with him... I definitely get my baby fix every time I see him. He just keeps gets cuter and cuter every day! I’ve had the privilege of taking pictures of him before and this morning I had some fun again! I just thought I’d share with you my favourite picture from this morning! Hope you enjoy it!
If you ever want to check out some more of my “portraits” of people, feel free to go visit my website, www.clicktheshutter.net
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Jan 27, 2011

Did he really say that?

Good Evening Everyone!
I hope all your Thursday’s were fantastic. Today was another one of my community day. I taught healthy living to kindergarten, grade 1, 2 and 3 kids. I’ve never wanted to laugh so much in all my life. One thing I’ve observed during the last couple weeks is that when you ask questions (to this age group) a lot of the kids will raise their hands and usually end up telling you a story that has no relevance. Well, this morning, Vivian (my partner) and I were teaching proper hand hygiene and I decided to ask a simple question......
“When do you think it’s important to wash our hands?”

Obviously I am looking for answers such as, “when we touch money, cough or sneeze on our hands, pet our animals, before we eat food, and after we use the bathroom.” Well... this one CUTE and ADORABLE blue eyed, brown hair kid looked at me and raised his hand, I couldn’t resist. So I asked him what he thought. This was his answer....
“Well, my daddy always tells me to wash my hands after I go pee pee, because I have to hold my penis down..... but sometimes I forget.”
My eyes literally jumped out of my socket as I held back the laughter that wanted to erupt from deep inside. I glanced at the teacher who hung her head in shame. It was definitely too late to hit the rewind button on this kid. I tell you, kids just say the funniest things. I donno if any of you have experienced a similar situation, but I tell you, it definitely makes me chuckle. After all, you can’t blame these kids for they haven’t developed that “filter” in regards to what is ok and not ok to say. I am confident to say that there is one positive aspect to all of this; he definitely knows his anatomy.
I hope this brought a smile to your face, if not... it’s time to lighten up and hang out with some more kids. They are so much fun and a joy to work with. This gets me even more excited for what’s in store down the road.
The picture of the day is another “what is it.” I’m sorry but I’m going to be hard on you this time and not say anything. I took this picture a while ago at home and thought it was kinda neat! Good luck guessing!

Jan 26, 2011

Welcome to the Globe

Good golly it was a beautiful day!!!  For once, I didn’t mind walking across campus for it was the perfect temperature. If only we could have more days like this! *Sigh* I mean, don’t get me wrong, the rain is refreshing and lovely (at times) but it’s nice to have a sunny break here and there! Aside from the weather I have 2 topics I wish to discuss today!
The first is Canadian Geese. Has anyone else noticed their arrival back to Canada? I sure have, for I almost stepped in their green feces that they leave all over our paths at Trinity. Of course it’s too much to ask them to stay on the grass, but it’s another when they make our lives rather complicated as we hop and skip off to our classes while avoiding their land mines. The only positive thing about Canadian Geese is they can make you laugh when you are least expecting it. Back in my first year, I witnessed a helpless student get chased by one of them. Those are the times you wish you had a video camera. I just remember this massive geese opening up its wings/ flapping madly, sticking out its long neck and charging after this individual. Its quiet hilarious, but of course.... it’s not funny when you’re the victim.
The second topic I wish to discuss is what’s the purpose of men having long hair? I will admit, I’m astonished and left awe struck with how many men I’ve mistaken for women. Now this is not a laughing manner, for Trinity has a few. When I think of the perfect length of hair for a guy, I’d never go longer than the chin. I like my men clean and cut shaven. A mullet on the other hand is too much party for me. Don’t get me wrong, there are girls who like their hippies, but I am not one of them. I hope those who read this don’t find offence, for I am clearly stating my “preference.” I don’t think it’s wrong that some guys have more beautiful and lavishing hair than I do, but I’m wondering is there a purpose to it all? I’ve seen guys swish it back and forth, pull it into ponies and run their fingers through it.... but, is it going to help them in the LONG run? Is it to keep their ears warm or have an excuse to use herbal essence in the shower? Whatever it is, I am curious and would like to know the answer. So if anyone has an idea, I’d love to know what your thoughts are!
My picture of the day was taken yesterday, while my friend and I were walking around campus. I thought this picture suited today, for I too want to welcome the long haired men and Canadian Geese to our globe!!

Jan 25, 2011

My Mom

I’d love to do a quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my mom... for it’s her birthday today! I know there are times we don’t show our mom’s the appreciation they deserve, so today I’d like to say 5 memories I love about my mom!
1)      When I was little, mom would always draw on the napkins she’d put in our lunches. They’d have pictures and cute little sayings. I remember my friends asking to see them every day; not going to lie, I was proud.
2)      Back in Gr. 2/3, we did a lot of field trips with our classes. I remember when our teacher divided up the students to parent drivers. I remember all the boys wanting to go with my mom for they had a big crush on her. Young love!
3)      My mom has always been a huge support. Within the last year, I feel that we’ve become closer and I can go to her about anything. She is a wonderful woman of God and I truly look up to her. She’s a great role model and I love her so much!
4)      For those who don’t know, my mom is a terrific dancer. There was a specific memory that comes to mind. When my sister and I were younger and CD’s were a big deal, we purchased “The Hamster Dance.” We were playing it one afternoon and all I remember was mom got up from the table and went over and knelt on her hands and knees and started to do circles. We all thought she lost it, but let me tell you, I’ve never laughed so hard in all my life.
5)      One evening, many years ago, our family was eating sticky chicken wings (SOO GOOD) and us kids were grossed out with some of the “veins” that were in the meat; resulting in us wasting half the meat on the bone. Mom, out of all people decided to show us it wasn’t a big deal. She found the biggest possible vein on a bone and gobbled it up; our jaws dropped. My mom gets light headed when thinking about blood tests, therefore this outburst of objection was a lot to take in.
Through the thick and thin, my mom has been the glue that keeps our family together.

My picture of the day is something I took a couple days ago and thought it suited today. It’s of some beautiful tulips my mom brought home from work, and I thought that seeing my mom is such a beautiful woman inside and out, this is my picture for her!

Jan 24, 2011

Cupcakes & Killer Clowns

Top of the evening to you all! I hope you had a beautiful raining day (for those who live in the Lower main land). My morning was rather interesting if I do say so myself. I was walking from the parking lot to my class and just as I was crossing the field, the chapel bells start chiming. Now it’s not just a clock that goes off every hour it also goes off on some old hymn every day at 11am for chapel. I couldn’t tell what the tune was for I was more intrigued with the multiple sounds that were being orchestrated. As the bells were chiming, a train was passing on by! With the horn and wishing of the tracks + the blend of weird bell sounds, I picture a crazy clown ready to attack. You know when you watch CSI or a show that has a creepy killer scene, well it was just like that. I definitely quickened my steps for fear of being murdered on my way to class. How creepy would that be?
Besides that, I had a rather “interesting” class (Nursing Research). I lost track of how many yawns were produced. Aside from that I watched two girls fight in the nursing wing about their friendship. That was rather “embarrassing” if I do say so myself. But let’s not go onto embarrassing subjects, for I did something extremely embarrassing this morning and laughed till my lungs were exhausted. After class I took a trip to the Library where I watched a guy fall asleep in the comfy chair across from me. I could feel my eyes getting heavy for the hum from the lighting was putting me to sleep.

Later this evening, my sister and brother-in-law came over and we had a nice birthday dinner for my mom. It’s not her BD till tomorrow, but we figured it was the best day to all get together for. My sister brought over some wonderful coco cupcakes, which were divine. I may have had whip cream smeared up my nose at one point in time, but that’s how they are supposed to be devoured. It’s almost a polite thing; the more food left on your face, the better the meal was!
All in all, it was a wonderful day!  
Picture of the day is of our dessert my sister put together! SO GOOD! You should all be drooling and jealous!
OO, just for kicks, I also wanted to post this video. My brother was watching it earlier and thought it was pretty funny!

Jan 23, 2011

Fire Fire Fire

Well lookie lookie! I was hoping you’d stop by to take a peek at my blog for today. Hopefully by now you know I purchased my new camera yesterday and LOVE it more than words can express. I’ve been playing with it nonstop. Its def going to take some time to get use to all my options, but hey..... I haven’t stopped smiling yet!
I had a wonderful afternoon for I went over to Dani (sister) and Jeff’s (brother-in-law) place to hang out. I made some lunch with Jeff and made a horrible mess. I was spilling things left right and center. I’m surprised they didn’t kick me out sooner. After lunch, Jeff gave me some of his magical tiger ice cream that apparently does wonders on your GI track. Who would have thought? Well, aside from all of that, I got to watch a really cute movie today. Have you ever seen “Miss Potter”? No it’s not what you think.. She’s not related to Harry, but it was quiet the cute movie. Anyways, if you’re into the old romantic movies, it might be something worth seeing.
After that, I went on to work and sold one AYCE rib. For those who don’t know, right now, for a limited time, we are having all you can eat ribs at Montana’s (ooo hopefully I get brownie points for advertising this)! It’s all day every day! I think you should come out and support the non-vegan way of living! If you are vegetarian, we’ve got salads..... AYCE salads (haha just kidding).. I wish!
Here’s a cute little joke to go with my picture of the day! Hope you all have a great week!

The Volunteers
One dark night outside a small town, a fire started inside the local chemical plant. Before long it exploded into flames and an alarm went out to fire departments from miles around.

After fighting the fire for over an hour, the chemical company president approached the fire chief and said, "All of our secret formulas are in the vault in the center of the plant. They must be saved! I will give $50,000 to the engine company that brings them out safely!"

As soon as the chief heard this, he ordered the fireighters to strengthen their attack on the blaze. After two more hours of attacking the fire, the president of the company offered $100,000 to the engine company that could bring out the company's secret files.

From the distance a long siren was heard and another fire truck came into sight. It was a local volunteer fire company composed entirely of men over 65. To everyone's amazement the little fire engine raced through the Chemical plant gates and drove straight into the middle of the inferno. In the distance the other fireighters watched as the old timers hopped off of their rig and began to fight the fire with an effort that they had never seen before.

After an hour of intense fighting the volunteer company had extinguished the fire and saved the secret formulas. Joyous, the chemical company president announced that he would double the reward to $200,000 and walked over to personally thank each of the volunteers. After thanking each of the old men individually, the president asked the group what they intended to do with the reward money.
The fire truck driver looked him right in the eye and said, "The first thing we're going to do is fix the dang brakes on that truck!"

Jan 22, 2011

Love of my life...

Today has been one of my happiest days! I took a trip to Richmond Mall this morning with my folks and got to experience a little culture. While we were there, I was meeting up with a NEW BEST FRIEND.... the man who’d sell me my new camera. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I purchased my new favourite toy! It’s a Nikon D7000, with a 18-105mm lens. If you don’t know what that means, too bad! Just kidding! Since then, I’ve had a hard time removing the thing from my hands. It’s unreal and so different from my other camera. For the first time, I felt like could actually breathe. I was amazed with the quality of each shot and have gotten busy studying my manual, while trying to figure out all my new buttons.
Anyways, apart from that, this week’s been quiet a whirlwind. I’m glad things have started settling down again and semi feel back to normal. This camera has definitely put a smile back on my face and I am extremely excited to get outside and take some pictures.
My song choice for the day is: No Matter What by: Kerrie Roberts. It’s a song that’s spoken to me a while ago and has brought me comfort this weekend as well!
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Keep smiling, even when you don’t feel like it. After all it takes more muscles to frown than it is to smile!

Jan 21, 2011

He's BACK!

He’s back! Today was the first day I saw him again! He’s cute, fluffy and just darn adorable! He was coming around daily before Christmas, stuffing his face with peanuts. He’d scurry off our deck and shimmy his way down the tree to bury his peanut in the hedges out front. There were times he’d take the peanuts across the street to bury them in the mini forest in front of our house. I was worried that he’d disappear one day as a result from being run over. SO when I saw him this morning, I jumped for JOY! My little Nut has returned!

Jan 20, 2011

Arteries, Veins, Capillaries

For those who’d like to know about my day, all I can say is one word ............AMAZING!!! It was a lot of fun, but a little stressful (at first)! I have 3 great highlights from my day that I thought I’d share....
1)      Kindergarten boy winked at me
2)      All the kids laughing at Vivian’s (my partners) name........ Ms. Santa
3)      Being told I was a million years old.
I am looking forward to next week, for it’ll be similar to what we did today (teaching on healthy living). I love kids so much and if nursing doesn’t pan out, then teaching is my profession!
The picture of the day is of a tree in Hawaii. I took this last July when our family was there on vacation.  I recently was going through old pictures on my computer and stumbled upon this one. AS I analyzed this picture, I put my own little nursing spin on it. As you all know, our body is made up of tiny arteries, veins and capillaries which carry blood throughout our body. This picture reminds me of just that. Throughout our body, we have some main arteries that branch off into REALLY REALLY small ones (fingers, toes, head etc). I don’t know if any of you have been to body works yet (at Science World) but it’s incredible (if you like that kind of stuff). My dad and I went after Christmas and this picture reminds me of some of the things we saw. Just thought it’d be cool to look at this picture in a more “biological” way!
Hope you all had a wonderful day! Just think, tomorrow is FRIDAY! J

Jan 19, 2011

Word of the day...

Ello ello ello!
This is going to be short and sweet; sorry guys! I’ve got a long day in the school tomorrow (community) for I’ll be teaching Healthy Living for a couple hours. Wish me luck!
The picture of the day is one I took a while ago. It’s fun and full of color. Kinda goes perfectly for my adventure in the elementary school tomorrow.
I’d like to leave on this challenge for the day! I want to see how many of you can guess what this is... without looking it up!

Word of the Day:
Acute Laryngotracheobronchitis

Jan 18, 2011

Don't be cheeky

Hey guys! I’m sorry this post is cutting it a bit late. I don’t know how many times I can get away with the same old excuse, but it’s true..... to some extent. My evening was occupied with The Bachelor as a couple of girls and I got together at my sister’s house and got our weekly fix of unnecessary drama. All I can say is I am so glad I am not one of those girls! Some of them are just so....... weird! But anyways, it’s an awesome show that has take over my Tuesday nights!
My apologies about the picture, yet again... for it wasn’t taken today. It actually works perfect in some sense, for it was snapped exactly a year ago (or close to). I was visiting some family in Calgary and got the privileged to go to the Calgary Zoo with one of my cousins. It had been YEARS since I’d be there and was ecstatic to go. So we packed up our fishy crackers and headed out on a COLD and eventful discovery. I just love this picture for so many reasons. One, is because they are flashing us (the viewer) and two, they are such beautiful and incredible animals. God definitely had some fun when creating them! When I was in Africa almost two years ago, we were told on our safari tour that Zebra’s are SO unique. Their stripes reflect the sun (on extremely hot days) and absorb heat (on colder days). Who would have thought that? All I can say is they are beautiful! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this picture as much as I do!

Jan 17, 2011

What am I?

Happy January 17th AKA ..................................................................................Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. If not, then we need to talk! So far, the start of this week has been great! I was at school this morning/afternoon and have noticed how long it’s taking me to get into this semester. I’ve fallen behind in my reading and have to catch up before I fall behind in the actual class! I apologies my blog hasn’t been that interesting lately... I’ve been busy with school the last little bit!
My picture of the day is something you have to guess. This time I’m not going to spill anything, although I’m sure most of you will know what it is!

Jan 16, 2011

Cedar Springs

Hey Folks!
I’m sorry if some of you were torn to pieces when I didn’t post a blog for Saturday. If you have to seek out therapy, let me know.... because I’ll never let it happen again! For those who didn’t know, I was away for a retreat down in the States with my young adults group from church. The pictures I posted for today were from this weekend! I didn’t take a whole lot of pics, but here is a snap shot of the weekend!

Jan 14, 2011


Good Evening Bloggers,
I hope you all had a marvellous day/evening! Can you believe it, the weekend finally arrived. Just when I didn’t think it’d happen, POOF it’s here!
This morning, I had a wonderful breakfast at IHOP with my boyfriend before he headed off to the island for his badminton tournament. I had my usual, Stuffed French toast (mmmmm was it ever delicious) with sunny side up eggs, hash browns and sausages! I definitely pigged out that’s for sure!
As the afternoon hurried past, I was looking forward to this evening, for our youth group that I help out with were going to the bowling alley. The dress code for this evening was you had to come dressed up as something that starts with the letter “T.” With the clocking counting down, I grabbed my dictionary and scrolled the “T” section. Nothing seemed to be popping out to me, until I came across the word “THIEF.” Having never dressed up as something so mysterious, I grabbed the face paint from the bathroom and you can all guess what happened next!
On the drive to the bowling alley, my brother and I ran through the Wendy’s drive through close by. For some odd reason, Zach decided to take a “short” cut by driving in front of the bank. I hid my face and felt embarrassed as people walked in and out of our local bank. Just the place I wanted to be! Thank goodness no one reported me.  
I never did end up bowling this evening, but I enjoyed watching everyone else throw gutter balls, pretending it was done on purpose. With a short stop to Tim Horton’s, the youth all dispersed as I went home to give my face a good scrub. Thank goodness, the black face paint came off, or else I would have had some really dark circles around my eyes the following morning!
Today was a good day! I hope you all thought the same!  

Self Portrait!

Jan 13, 2011

Holding on...

Good Evening Chums!
I hope you all had a wonderful day! Mine began with a painful wake up call, for I accidentally dropped the shaving cream bottle on my foot this morning in the shower. I preformed my own first aid, but couldn’t get the bleeding to stop, so I amputated it! It feels much better now that it’s gone! :P

This morning/afternoon I had orientation for my community experience this semester. I will be at Dorothy Peacock Elementary School teaching a variety of topics (hand washing, nutrition, bullying, activity, sexuality etc) for the next 6 weeks. Next Thursday will be my first “official” day and my partner and I will be teaching the kindergarten and grade 1 students how to properly wash their hands and have good hygiene. One cute thing about today was that I was addressed as Ms. Bennett for the first time! We walked around to each classroom today and were introduced! I’ve never been formally called that! Hopefully I can get use to that soon!

This evening I was invited over to a good friend’s house for dinner with some of my nursing ladies. She cooked a beautiful and delicious meal and was an incredible host. Afterwards we watched “Bride and Prejudice.” If you haven’t seen it, you definitely need to put it on your list of movies to watch, because it’s flipping HILARIOUS! My favourite quote was “no life... without wife.” I found two of my favourite songs on youtube so I thought I’d share them with you, if you have a couple minutes to spare!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocNFQioWM5c (MAN I wish I could dance like this)

I just love their moves and the songs. Ahh, inspires me every time to get up and dance! Shake that bomb bomb! Anyways, today was a fun and worthwhile.

TO end this blog off for the evening, the picture I chose relates to yesterday! Even though Zach murdered my snowman, Frosty held onto whatever life he had left and managed to slide his remains to the outside of my window to say his final farewell. I was sad and overwhelmed with emotion as I watched him slowly dissolve away. Poor Mr. Snowman!


TODAY was a fantastic day! I got to spend my morning sleeping in, for it was a snow day! With some free time, I decided to clean my room and do some..... homework! YAH right! Homework.... haha, in your DREAMS!
So this afternoon, I decided to take advantage of the SNOW, so I put on my gumboots (for it was wet snow) and grabbed my camera! I headed outside into the back yard to create my masterpiece. My picture of the day is my BUDDY, Mr. SNOWMAN! Unfortunately, my brother Zach decided to grab my boot and be-head my masterpiece; I cried for hours! With dinner to prepare, Jamie and I got to work. We made some incredible meatloaf, pasta and broccoli. YES, we chopped the broccoli (for those who have seen the movie). JAMIE worked up a sweat grating the cheese! It was hard work I tell ya!

Dinner was fabulous, except my stomach begs to differ. Overall, today was a wonderful day and I had tons of fun! Hope you all like my portraits of Frosty!

Zach, being destructive

Frosty in SnowHeaven