Feb 28, 2011


Hello Dear Friends..
First off I have to say I am impressed. Some of you guessed right on the spot (AHEM... STEVEN BARKS) and some were extremely creative! I figured it was about time that I reveal the answer to you.... and in so, I also included a couple other pictures that are of the same thing, but are edited a little differently. Enjoy!


Feb 27, 2011

What am I?

I did some fun editing to this picture, so I’m curious as to how many of you will guess it! Tomorrow I’ll post the original picture (to see if you guessed right!)

Feb 24, 2011

Editing goes a long way....

For those who don’t know, I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY. Before I took my summer course – Art 230 “Intro to Photography” I knew nothing about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc. I shot all my pictures in Auto and thought that was it. I tried to do manual but everything was either way to dark or over exposed. After taking the class, I learned how challenging and fun it was to shoot in Manual; I haven’t gone back since. For all those “auto” shooters, its LIFE changing, trust me! It keeps you on your toes and constantly reminds you to check your settings/adjust when ever needed.
My favourite thing to shoot is portraits of people. As soon as I purchased my first camera (Nikon D3000)... I was asking any and everyone to go do pictures. I was hooked and loved looking through my view finder. All I wanted was practice and experience. Confession.... my first few photo shoots were awkward, for I didn’t know how to direct my “models” or “subjects” into certain poses etc. I would snap pictures and get lucky if I had 30 good photos that weren’t blurred or unfocused. Now, I don’t have a problem telling my subjects where to sit/stand/place their hand etc. It was nerve wracking but after a while, I was confident in what I wanted and was looking for in regards to a picture.
The picture of the day is one I took many moons ago. It was my first photo shoot of a good friend from Church. What I want to show to you is how editing has an effect on a picture. It’s so hard now a days to figure out whether pictures have been photo shopped and which are closest to the original. The only thing I changed was the actually saturation, brightness, etc!   
Hope you like what you see! Like I said...


A little bit of editing can go a long way!

Feb 22, 2011

Long time no talk

Why Hello Everyone,
It’s been quiet sometime since I did my last blog. It’s been a crazy week/weekend. Not only that, but our weather can’t make up its mind. For 3 solid days, we had a ball of brightness in the sky that gave off some warmth and love... then out of nowhere, we were showered with snow, rain, hail, and thunder (the whole works). So just as I was about to pull out my winter gear, I woke up once this morning with the sunshine pouring through my window... I guess we’ll have to wait and see!
I’m excited about this week, for it’s my reading break! Instead of sleeping in, I technically should be catching up on my readings etc... but am extremely lazy and love all this free time. The picture of the day is one I took a couple weeks ago at Whiterock Beach!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Feb 16, 2011


Howdy ya’ll
I’m just sitting here, doing some homework waiting for the Starfield concert to start. I was a part of a “hospitality” crew, where I got to help set up their lounge and prepare some yummy food for them. Well, I didn’t make anything, but got some pizza and other stuff. They are currently in the gym, doing their sound checks and warm-ups. I helped them earlier unload their trailer full of goodies.
Besides that “high” of the day, I had a really hard research midterm. I don’t know about anyone else in my class, but I thought it was tough. I’d be happy if I passed. BUT, I’ve decided not to dwell on it, but rather kick my butt into gear and do better next time. I’ll be honest with you good grades don’t come easy for me. Regardless.... I’m smiling and enjoying this semester.
Tomorrow will be my last “community” day. It’s weird to think that half the semester is practically over. I’m not ready to grow up become a nurse. Not yet! My partner and I will be making an early trip to Starbucks (for our weekly breakfast and prep time). We have decided to teach “bullying” to the grade 4’s, 5’s and 6’s. Hopefully the kids enjoy what we have planned. I may even wear PINK tomorrow.
I apologies for the blog this past month; I haven’t really been on top of things, in regards to taking pictures. Hopefully I can make up for it this next little bit.
Oh speak of the devil, here comes the Starfield group for their dinner... I should probably get off this and visit. Definitely should have brought my camera tonight! Woops... Not going to lie, they are pretty nice! Haha sucks to be all of you and not experiencing all of this! Anyways hope you all have a wonderful evening and great week!

Feb 14, 2011


Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!
I know this is the day many people dread ... and some accept with both arms wide open. I was on the fence at the beginning of the day! For those who are single... I’m sure I know what’s going through your mind. It sucks being alone, but one thing I have learned to accept is that even though I don’t have a “Valentines” I’ve got so many people who I love dearly. Why mope around when I can spread some love and cheer!
I know so many people who go all out on Valentines, buying their loved ones so many things. I’ve always thought it was a waste of money. I’m not saying flowers are bad, nor the dinner dates... I just know some people who GO ALL OUT... treating it as if were another Christmas. I think Valentines should just be a normal day in the sense that we can still spend time with those we love and cherish.
That’s what our family did tonight. At our usual Monday night dinner, our family had a wonderful visit and lots of chocolate. All I can say is I’ve never felt so much love before. It definitely was the best Valentines I’ve had thus far. It’d be hard to compete with that!
I hope you all had a great day! If you never had a “date” then I would love to ask you to be “MY VALENTINE!”
<3 Lets spread the LOVE!

Feb 13, 2011


Good Afternoon...
Today has been a good “normal” day, nothing out of the ordinary. I work later this evening, so I went to Church and have been sitting around doing some homework, knitting and watching some good old Chuck! The picture of the day is something I don’t usually drink. I hate to admit it, but my family is addicted to this stuff. I’m more of the “tea” type, if you know what I’m saying. Well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Feb 12, 2011

I'm Alive

Well hello strangers it’s been a while!
I hope you are all doing well! The last few days have been a nightmare for many reasons. With a midterm and paper due this week, I could feel each hair on my head get a little greyer (if that’s even a word)! Having such a busy week, my body ended up going on me around Thursday. With my teaching at the elementary school I definitely sounded like a man. My voice was gone and I just wasn’t feeling superb. BUT all I can say is I made it! I never thought I’d see the weekend, but now it’s here.
My cousin and her boyfriend are in town for the week so I got to hit up Moby Dick’s with them down in Whiterock. It’s too bad it rained the whole time. I also worked tonight at Montana’s which was nice... cause it was busy for once. The AYCE (all you can eat) Ribs definitely did some damage tonight! :D All in all, this weekend has been great... all I need to do is start buckling in for my other midterm next week (RESEARCH!) The terror of all terrors.
I hope you all have a wonderful evening and I apologies again for my absence this weekend! J
The Sunset The Other Night

Feb 8, 2011

I Survived!

Hey Everyone!
So, for those who knew, I had a midterm today. It was hard, not going to lie and definitely wasn’t fun. I’m hoping I did ok. Have you ever had one of those annoying people in your class who can’t stop sniffing during an exam and won’t be quiet; well I felt horrible cause that was me. For some reason, my sinus decided to drain on me during my examination, leaving me helpless and without Kleenex. What a disaster. Hopefully all my ladies/men will forgive me.
So funny story.... I was teaching my dad about GI & GU malformations last night and my mom pulled a funny”. Now if you know my dad, I will be the first to say he’s extremely smart. He’ll be watching Jeopardy and know every answer. So as I am showing him my notes, my mom pipes up and said, “Your dad knows everything, except the second coming of Jesus.” I thought that was pretty funny.
Aside from me going crazy, anticipating my exam, I feel like I could pass out any minute. All I need to focus on is my teaching topics for my community this Thursday (which I haven’t even started) and my research assignment due Thursday (which I haven’t even started). I can only feel this week getting much worse. Yikers. All I can say is I am looking forward to Saturday!
Hope you all have a wonderful night!  

Feb 7, 2011

Exam Tomorrow!

S/SX: tachycardia, high blood pressure, hyperventilation...... CAUSE: stress, anxiety....... TX: Prayer (LOTS of it!)

Heidi Ho Neighbour Jo!
As I sit here, anticipating this midterm tomorrow, I can’t help but feel the countless hours I studied this weekend didn’t even make a dent. I’ve never felt so unprepared for an exam.... there is just so much to know. I’m freaking out................................................................................................................................................................. good golly, I need to remind myself to breathe! I definitely feel my health has significantly gotten worse with the lack of sleep and stress that has been overwhelming my life the last few days. Hopefully this “sinus infection” leaves my head and I’ll be able to get through this week. I wish I could train my body to not get sick.... if only eh! Ahh, I’m just not ready for this exam...... (sorry, I need to vent)!
OK, enough freaking out and back to studying!

Sorry, once again the blog is short; definitely don’t have the time to write anything long or significant at the moment. To emphasize my dedication, the only time I went out of the house this weekend was to go to Church.... how sad is that? For 2 whole days, I did not leave the house! Pathetic, I know! But I decided to make up for it today, so I went for a nice long walk with Toby who expressed the need to stop a bazillion times to void! I think it was great for both of us to stretch our legs and get some fresh air!
This week seems to be coming way to fast and I’m not ready for everything that’s due and taking place. Just got to remind myself to take one day at a time!
Hope you are all doing well and enjoyed the sunshine we had today!
I find this picture... rather calming! This is why I chose it for picture of the day!

Feb 6, 2011


Hey Everyone...

Another short and sweet blog... for I'm not feeling up to par this evening! The pictures for today were actually taken by my cousin of her artwork. Just thought I'd be a proud cousin and show off some of her talent!

Feb 5, 2011

Study = Crazy

Good Evening!
I hope this weekend is going great for everyone. I was home all day (sad I know) studying for my exam Tuesday. You never realize how much you got to study until you crack open a book. The last few days I’ve spent little time on this blog, let alone take any pictures. I apologies but I hope these pictures will do! The pictures for today were taken with my computers web cam. All I can say is studying does crazy things to me. Hope it brings some smiles to your face!
Have a fantastic evening everyone! It’s always a pleasure.

Feb 4, 2011

Study Time

Hey everyone
I apologies for the invisible blog yesterday, I wrote it up on my invisible computer. Never doing that again!
So....today, I forced myself to study for a LONG period of time (6.5 hrs to be exact). I’ve got a midterm coming up, so I cracked the whip and settled down on the couch. The fire place was a blazing and things just slowly came together.
While I was studying, I wanted to quiz you guys and see if any of you knew what these GI/GU problems are:
-          Esophageal Atresia & Tracheoesophageal Fistula
-          Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
-          Gastroesophageal Reglux
-          Ileocolic Intussusception
-          Hirschsprung Disease (Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon)
-          Hypospadias & Epispagias
-          Bladder Exstrophy
-          Obstructive Uropathy
-          Urinary Tract Infection
-          Nephrotic Syndrome
-          Renal Failure
-          Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
-          Omphalocele
-          Gastroschisis
-          Enuresis
-          Encopresis
-          Acute Glomerulonephritis
-          Phimosis
-          Cryptorchidism
-          Testicular Torsion
-          Hydrocele
-          Inguinal hernia
I hope you all managed to figure them out.... :) Other than the picture, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Feb 2, 2011


Hola Everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful day, for it’s the second of FEBRUARY. Who would have thought? I just can’t believe its February already. Once again, the sun was out for a few minutes this morning while it was still bitter cold. I tell you, I saw a couple guys walking around campus in t-shirts (ARE THEY CRAZY OR WHAT?) My little kindergartens could tell them how to dress properly, whereas I on the other hand had many sweaters on and was bundled up. Despite the extra layers, I was still vibrating.
I wanted to share something funny with you that I received in an email from my lovely mom yesterday. I read it to some of my nursing gals and I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. We were sitting in the lower cafe and I was literally crying tears because it was that hilarious. My cheeks went red and my abdomen may have hurt afterwards.
Please enjoy!


Many woman are afraid of their first mammogram, but there is no need to worry. By taking a few minutes each day for a week preceding the exam and doing the following exercises, you will be totally prepared for the test and best of all, you can do these simple exercises right in and around your home.
Exercise One:
Open your refrigerator door and insert one breast in door. Shut the door as hard as possible and lean on the door for good measure. Hold that position for five seconds. Repeat again in case the first time wasn’t effective enough.
Exercise Two:
Visit your garage at 3am when the temperature of the cement floor is just perfect. Take off all your clothes and lie comfortably on the floor with one breast wedged under the rear tire of the car. Ask a friend to slowly back the car up until your breast is sufficiently flattened and chilled. Turn over and repeat with the other breast.
Exercise Three:
Freeze two metal bookends overnight. Strip to the waist. Invite a stranger into the room. Press the bookends against one of your breasts. Smash the bookends together as hard as you can. Set up an appointment with the stranger to meet next year and do it again.
You are totally prepared!
AND, just a thought for all the women out there......

MENtal illness, MENstraul cramps, MENtal breakdown, MENopause...

Ever notice how all of women’s problems start with men?... And when we have real roubles it’s HISterectomy!

Don’t worry, I’m not a man hater, just thought this was hilarious

Feb 1, 2011

Will to Survive

Tonights blog is a little different from the others...
My mom just showed me this video she had watched this afternoon. For those who don’t know, my mom work’s at a flower shop and does all sorts of arrangements. Their store got an order for a funeral arrangement for this young girl. She was only 20 years old and passed away from cancer.
My heart goes out to her and the family. She was a beautiful young lady and I want to challenge all of you to not take life for granted. We need to live each day like it’s our last. I don’t want to be a downer, but this song is a true heart tugging one. My dream one day is to work with children who are terminally ill, and by doing so, I want to put a smile on every face that I can.
Not only that, but exactly 5 years ago, in Grade 11), a friend of mine, Brandon passed away after being hit by a truck on his way to school. Its heart wrenching to see families loose loved ones. If you know someone who is going through a rough period in their life, please reach out to them.
If you have a few minutes, please take the time to listen to this song; it was sung by Megan (this young girl) who passed away this past weekend. Life is so precious, don’t waste it.
