Feb 1, 2011

Will to Survive

Tonights blog is a little different from the others...
My mom just showed me this video she had watched this afternoon. For those who don’t know, my mom work’s at a flower shop and does all sorts of arrangements. Their store got an order for a funeral arrangement for this young girl. She was only 20 years old and passed away from cancer.
My heart goes out to her and the family. She was a beautiful young lady and I want to challenge all of you to not take life for granted. We need to live each day like it’s our last. I don’t want to be a downer, but this song is a true heart tugging one. My dream one day is to work with children who are terminally ill, and by doing so, I want to put a smile on every face that I can.
Not only that, but exactly 5 years ago, in Grade 11), a friend of mine, Brandon passed away after being hit by a truck on his way to school. Its heart wrenching to see families loose loved ones. If you know someone who is going through a rough period in their life, please reach out to them.
If you have a few minutes, please take the time to listen to this song; it was sung by Megan (this young girl) who passed away this past weekend. Life is so precious, don’t waste it.


1 comment:

  1. hey have you ever thought of volunteering at the canuck place? (http://www.canuckplace.org/) ****seriously look into it!

    It sounds like pretty much what you said you wanted to do.
