For those who don’t know, I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY. Before I took my summer course – Art 230 “Intro to Photography” I knew nothing about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc. I shot all my pictures in Auto and thought that was it. I tried to do manual but everything was either way to dark or over exposed. After taking the class, I learned how challenging and fun it was to shoot in Manual; I haven’t gone back since. For all those “auto” shooters, its LIFE changing, trust me! It keeps you on your toes and constantly reminds you to check your settings/adjust when ever needed.
My favourite thing to shoot is portraits of people. As soon as I purchased my first camera (Nikon D3000)... I was asking any and everyone to go do pictures. I was hooked and loved looking through my view finder. All I wanted was practice and experience. Confession.... my first few photo shoots were awkward, for I didn’t know how to direct my “models” or “subjects” into certain poses etc. I would snap pictures and get lucky if I had 30 good photos that weren’t blurred or unfocused. Now, I don’t have a problem telling my subjects where to sit/stand/place their hand etc. It was nerve wracking but after a while, I was confident in what I wanted and was looking for in regards to a picture.
The picture of the day is one I took many moons ago. It was my first photo shoot of a good friend from Church. What I want to show to you is how editing has an effect on a picture. It’s so hard now a days to figure out whether pictures have been photo shopped and which are closest to the original. The only thing I changed was the actually saturation, brightness, etc!
A little bit of editing can go a long way!
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