Feb 8, 2011

I Survived!

Hey Everyone!
So, for those who knew, I had a midterm today. It was hard, not going to lie and definitely wasn’t fun. I’m hoping I did ok. Have you ever had one of those annoying people in your class who can’t stop sniffing during an exam and won’t be quiet; well I felt horrible cause that was me. For some reason, my sinus decided to drain on me during my examination, leaving me helpless and without Kleenex. What a disaster. Hopefully all my ladies/men will forgive me.
So funny story.... I was teaching my dad about GI & GU malformations last night and my mom pulled a funny”. Now if you know my dad, I will be the first to say he’s extremely smart. He’ll be watching Jeopardy and know every answer. So as I am showing him my notes, my mom pipes up and said, “Your dad knows everything, except the second coming of Jesus.” I thought that was pretty funny.
Aside from me going crazy, anticipating my exam, I feel like I could pass out any minute. All I need to focus on is my teaching topics for my community this Thursday (which I haven’t even started) and my research assignment due Thursday (which I haven’t even started). I can only feel this week getting much worse. Yikers. All I can say is I am looking forward to Saturday!
Hope you all have a wonderful night!  

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