Jan 5, 2011

Dutch Blitz

Today has been an interesting day! Not only have I felt like a drown rat coming to and from home in the pouring rain, I laughed myself silly when I almost ate the curb while walking to work. I definitely did a little free style dance to regain my balance. I ended up working this morning, and let me tell you, it was a gong show.... for I’ve never seen it so dead in all my life (the restaurant, not the hospital – just to clarify). While waiting for tables, my buddy (Melissa) and I thought I’d be fun to wear antlers hats while we attempted to pierce our nose with toothpicks. I will admit, I love the people I work with, never a dull moment... that's for sure! Not to suck up or anything, but our managers are pretty amazing as well!
This afternoon I had a great time catching up with a friend over tea. I felt like a true grown up being so mature and wise. After dinner with the family, I had a wild time at our Young Adults group playing some rounds of Dutch Blitz. Zach (my brother) and I were paired up, and not to boast or anything.... but the Bennett’s always WIN! It’s not that we cheated or anything, but I do believe the 14+ cups of coffee he drank may have had something to do with it! All I can say is good luck sleeping tonight Zach! I might warn you now, that if you’re ever around Zach while he’s high on coffee, you’ll hear some strange sounds/words come out of his mouth. Not only will he do his mating call (Chewbacca)...but my favourite quote tonight was when Zach hand whistled at Reuben and said “I just sicked the Indians on you.”
All in all, today was a great day! I’ve never laughed as hard as I did tonight; therefore, my picture of the day is a game everyone should play (young or old).... except if you’re color blind (I definitely had my moments)!

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