Jan 31, 2011

Happy UnBirthday

Hey all!
What a day and do I have a story to tell all of you. Monday is our family night, where my brother-in-law and sister come and have dinner with us all.  So, I decided to make some cupcakes for desert.  Let’s just say my first mistake was purchasing an “angel” food batter. So as I was mixing everything together, I noticed immediately that this wasn’t going to work.  I refused to make a cake – so I proceeded to finish my cupcakes. I filled a tin of 12, but with a bunch of batter left over I caved and put the rest into a little dish to bake. The pictures for today were taken this afternoon.
This evening, we had an “Happy Un Birthday” for my brother. He definitely was surprised by it all! There is also a short clip I posted of us singing to Zach! Hope you like it!

Zach loves to eat fire


  1. That cake actually looks super duper yummy!!
    I want some.. so what did you put in it? just sprinkles? or it came like angel food cake rainbow cake!?

  2. Yah, thats exactly it.... the rainbow cake. I put some icing and sprinkles on it.. to top it off! :D so good! haha

  3. lol angel food cake is my favorite. I've had it for my birthday almost every year :D
