Jan 13, 2011

Holding on...

Good Evening Chums!
I hope you all had a wonderful day! Mine began with a painful wake up call, for I accidentally dropped the shaving cream bottle on my foot this morning in the shower. I preformed my own first aid, but couldn’t get the bleeding to stop, so I amputated it! It feels much better now that it’s gone! :P

This morning/afternoon I had orientation for my community experience this semester. I will be at Dorothy Peacock Elementary School teaching a variety of topics (hand washing, nutrition, bullying, activity, sexuality etc) for the next 6 weeks. Next Thursday will be my first “official” day and my partner and I will be teaching the kindergarten and grade 1 students how to properly wash their hands and have good hygiene. One cute thing about today was that I was addressed as Ms. Bennett for the first time! We walked around to each classroom today and were introduced! I’ve never been formally called that! Hopefully I can get use to that soon!

This evening I was invited over to a good friend’s house for dinner with some of my nursing ladies. She cooked a beautiful and delicious meal and was an incredible host. Afterwards we watched “Bride and Prejudice.” If you haven’t seen it, you definitely need to put it on your list of movies to watch, because it’s flipping HILARIOUS! My favourite quote was “no life... without wife.” I found two of my favourite songs on youtube so I thought I’d share them with you, if you have a couple minutes to spare!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocNFQioWM5c (MAN I wish I could dance like this)

I just love their moves and the songs. Ahh, inspires me every time to get up and dance! Shake that bomb bomb! Anyways, today was a fun and worthwhile.

TO end this blog off for the evening, the picture I chose relates to yesterday! Even though Zach murdered my snowman, Frosty held onto whatever life he had left and managed to slide his remains to the outside of my window to say his final farewell. I was sad and overwhelmed with emotion as I watched him slowly dissolve away. Poor Mr. Snowman!

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