Jan 14, 2011


Good Evening Bloggers,
I hope you all had a marvellous day/evening! Can you believe it, the weekend finally arrived. Just when I didn’t think it’d happen, POOF it’s here!
This morning, I had a wonderful breakfast at IHOP with my boyfriend before he headed off to the island for his badminton tournament. I had my usual, Stuffed French toast (mmmmm was it ever delicious) with sunny side up eggs, hash browns and sausages! I definitely pigged out that’s for sure!
As the afternoon hurried past, I was looking forward to this evening, for our youth group that I help out with were going to the bowling alley. The dress code for this evening was you had to come dressed up as something that starts with the letter “T.” With the clocking counting down, I grabbed my dictionary and scrolled the “T” section. Nothing seemed to be popping out to me, until I came across the word “THIEF.” Having never dressed up as something so mysterious, I grabbed the face paint from the bathroom and you can all guess what happened next!
On the drive to the bowling alley, my brother and I ran through the Wendy’s drive through close by. For some odd reason, Zach decided to take a “short” cut by driving in front of the bank. I hid my face and felt embarrassed as people walked in and out of our local bank. Just the place I wanted to be! Thank goodness no one reported me.  
I never did end up bowling this evening, but I enjoyed watching everyone else throw gutter balls, pretending it was done on purpose. With a short stop to Tim Horton’s, the youth all dispersed as I went home to give my face a good scrub. Thank goodness, the black face paint came off, or else I would have had some really dark circles around my eyes the following morning!
Today was a good day! I hope you all thought the same!  

Self Portrait!

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