Jan 25, 2011

My Mom

I’d love to do a quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my mom... for it’s her birthday today! I know there are times we don’t show our mom’s the appreciation they deserve, so today I’d like to say 5 memories I love about my mom!
1)      When I was little, mom would always draw on the napkins she’d put in our lunches. They’d have pictures and cute little sayings. I remember my friends asking to see them every day; not going to lie, I was proud.
2)      Back in Gr. 2/3, we did a lot of field trips with our classes. I remember when our teacher divided up the students to parent drivers. I remember all the boys wanting to go with my mom for they had a big crush on her. Young love!
3)      My mom has always been a huge support. Within the last year, I feel that we’ve become closer and I can go to her about anything. She is a wonderful woman of God and I truly look up to her. She’s a great role model and I love her so much!
4)      For those who don’t know, my mom is a terrific dancer. There was a specific memory that comes to mind. When my sister and I were younger and CD’s were a big deal, we purchased “The Hamster Dance.” We were playing it one afternoon and all I remember was mom got up from the table and went over and knelt on her hands and knees and started to do circles. We all thought she lost it, but let me tell you, I’ve never laughed so hard in all my life.
5)      One evening, many years ago, our family was eating sticky chicken wings (SOO GOOD) and us kids were grossed out with some of the “veins” that were in the meat; resulting in us wasting half the meat on the bone. Mom, out of all people decided to show us it wasn’t a big deal. She found the biggest possible vein on a bone and gobbled it up; our jaws dropped. My mom gets light headed when thinking about blood tests, therefore this outburst of objection was a lot to take in.
Through the thick and thin, my mom has been the glue that keeps our family together.

My picture of the day is something I took a couple days ago and thought it suited today. It’s of some beautiful tulips my mom brought home from work, and I thought that seeing my mom is such a beautiful woman inside and out, this is my picture for her!

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