Jan 10, 2011

Take a Seat

Confession: I am a horrible PERSON! I can’t believe I never did my blog this weekend, but I have a legitimate excuse. This weekend was busy with Preload, catching up with the BF and studying for my calculation exam.
Now that off my chest, I can finally breathe again! For those of you who don’t know, IT’S SNOWING OUTSIDE! As I drove home from school this morning, I watched as it pathetically attempted to snow. Hopefully, it starts to stick and STAYS! I haven’t even made a snowman yet!
Anyways, enough about snow... I’m so EXCITED and happy it’s Monday! For those who don’t know, Monday nights are one of my favourites and I look forward to it every week. We have family night dinner, which my sister and brother in law grace us with their presence. TONIGHT we are eating chicken pot pie, mmmm one of my favourite, especially when it’s homemade (WHICH IT IS)! Not only is dinner with the family great, but it’s also BACHELOR night! My sister and I got into the show a couple seasons back and watch it religiously. I’m looking forward to watching drama that I.... for once did not create.
Confession: I played Kinect with my boyfriend yesterday, I’m sad to admit this, but he beat me at the dance master. You would think, that I.... having many experience and years of dance under my belt, would excel at such a game. Turns out my hip swaying and moves were just not up to par with that of Jamie’s! Then again, I swear he’s up till 2am, practicing to Poker Face and Man Eater.
Today’s picture has nothing to do with my blog, but I thought it was a pretty cool bench! Hope you all have a wonderful evening and fantastic day tomorrow! Happy Monday Everyone!

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