Jan 6, 2011

Prodigal Shoes

They've returned!
I’m going to be honest tonight, this post was definitely rushed and last minute. Having arrived home only 30 minutes ago, I’m frantically attempting to put a post together. I’ll admit, this blog is talking some hard core dedication. Hopefully I can keep up at this pace once school starts back up.

For those who don’t know, tomorrow is my first day back (preload), so I’m excited, nervous, anxious... all of the above. I can’t wait to get back in the groove of things. I’m not looking forward to getting up super early tomorrow, for I’ve enjoyed the wonderful month off for Christmas. Besides that, my mumzie (aka mom) bought me a new scrub top today as a surprise! This is sadly, another addiction of mine. I have over 20 scrub tops and 12 pairs of pants! Ok... ok..... I need therapy... BUT it’s fashion baby! What girl doesn’t have a shoe, scarf, purse, hoodie addiction?  Like COMMON!

Before I sign out for the night, I do apologies regarding this post, for it is short ... but wait, tomorrow holds many new adventures, which I am excited to tell everyone of you about!

The picture of today is one I took a while ago (sorry I’m kinda cheating). It’s of my FAVORITE pair of shoes. The funny story behind it is I FINALLY GOT THEM BACK after 7 months. Way back last June... my girlfriend got married. Unfortunately with the scramble to get ready at a friend’s house, my shoes were left behind. I just can’t believe it’s taken me 7 months to get them back! My babies have finally come home! So, if you see me in the next couple days, those shoes are not coming off my feet! They are staying on my feet until they rot their way off! ANYWAYS! Have an awesome night!

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