Jan 4, 2011


Good Afternoon Ya’ll!
I hope you were able to survive the first day back to work and school. I kid you not; I’ve been lounging around the house all day (doing chores of course)..... while watching the Bachelor. Besides being lazy, I’m starting to get the nervous gitters as school slowly approaches. I’ve been looking forward to this semester since my first day in 2007. For those who don’t know me, I am completing my third year in Nursing and have LOVED every minute of it. Back last January, I decided to take a year off to complete other requirement courses (which I did during the summer and fall semester last year). Besides the annoying calculations exam that’s done on our first day back, I will be joining a new group of ladies, many who I’ve never met before. It’s time to put the nerdy glasses away and step up my “A” game to show them the cool kid in back in the program. The best part about all of this is it’s my Paediatric rotation. I’ll be doing my clinical at BC Children’s Hospital; my ultimate dream job!  
My picture of the day is one most of you will recognize! Toby, our PomCHI (Pomeranian cross Chiwawa) has kept me great company today.... reminding me that his tiny bladder needs regular attention. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t move off my couch for anything; talk about LAZY! Just when the house grows quiet, I’ll hear a little snort come from his bed, indicating that he’s having a wonderful dream. Sometimes I question about his.... type. Every day that passes, I get a little more suspicious, wondering if he’s a cat in disguise. With the occasional hair ball, his love for dairy and his desire to rub against you, he’s really got me worried. Before you know it, there’ll be a new case of “mad DOG.” But who’s to judge, we all have our quirks, some more than others. Regardless, he’s full of life and enjoys barking at anything that moves. He really is a “MAN’S” dog! He’s a killer... 100% hunters dog, no doubt about it!
ANYWAYS ... If there is one sentimental message that I can leave you with today.... it’d be that, we shouldn’t judge others for the way we look or act... even if it’s “cat” like!

Mr. T

1 comment:

  1. I wish we had the option to LIKE your photos as I really do like them. :)
